China is considered as one of best tourist destination and annually China generate great revenue from the touring industry. That’s the indication that how much China is popular among the tourists. There are many places to explore in china which are must to see destinations increasing the beauty of this amazing country. Here we mention some amazing places to visit in China to make your vacation to china truly worthwhile.
The avenue towards Heaven is basically the scariest road of China, which is also known as Big Gate Road. This Avenue is situated in Tianmen Mountain in the province Hunan. The height of this road is the up to 1300 meters above from sea level. This most dangerous and adventurous road has 99 pin type cuts all along the road to reach the top of the Heaven Avenue. The logic for 99 cuts in mountainous road is that Chinese people considered 9 as a lucky number for them and 99 turns represent the heaven as they believed to be that there are 9 places in Heaven. If you want to reach the top of this avenue and afraid to travel through these 99 turns, don’t need to worry there is facility of Cable Car as this cable car pass from the Tianmen Mountain. It is the longest cable way of the world as this cable car travel approx. 7455 meters.
The land mark of China; The Great wall of China is World’s largest wall and one of the ancient architecture and also consider one of the wonder of the World. It comprises over 8 provinces of China. This wall is divided into many sections, you have to select that which section you have to visit. The best section from touring point of view is the Great wall hiking tour at Mutianyu section of this amazing wonder. Some facts about this wall are you should know that this Wall was built primarily to defend the Chinese Empire from Northern attackers and invaders. This wall is about more than 2300 years old and approx. one-third part of that wall is vanish without any trace. This is one of the must to visit in China.
You may have experience of many farms and cultivation areas but the Terraced rice field of China is unique cultivation field also known as the color rice field of China. The uniqueness of this field is that in the month of February and March when farmers watering the fields, because of sunshine reflection it creates many colors and in the month of September when farmers ripe the rice , the surrounding turns into golden tallow colors. This place is consider as an ideal for photography and picture shooting.
Benxi Water Cave is an amazing place of China which is highly popular and admired among the tourist and local people. Benxi Water Cave is situated near Benxi city. It is large underground cave in the largest underground river of the world. The cave is divided into two parts, one is dry and one is covered with water. The entrance of cave is very unique and interesting in curve or half-moon shaped. The cave was formed millions of year ago and now the Government of China preserve it as natural heritage make open for public. You can take a boat to trip a cave and enjoy the some ancient’s life moments.
Detian Water Fall is lie between the border of China and Vietnam. It falls half in China and half in Vietnam, Tourist can enjoy boating, fishing here. It is the largest water fall of Asia and fourth largest waterfall of the world.
The Avenue Toward Heaven (China’s Scariest Road):

Great Wall of China

Colorful Rice field of China:

Benxi Water Cave:

Detian Falls: